High frequency RFID reader (HF - 13.56 MHz) - protocols Mifare, iCLASS, DESFire, ISO14443A, ISO14443B, ISO15693 and compliant. Read and write distance in HF RFID technology is usually 10 cm but can be up to 1 meter depending on the size of the antenna and on the surrounding environment.

Zebra DS9908 - Barcode 1D and 2D scanner
The hybrid imagers of the DS9900 Series from Zebra convince with their performance and futuristic design. In handheld mode, the imagers may be used just as well with the left as with the right hand — and if the user has his hands full, he continues to scan reliably in presentation mode. A capacitive touch sensor, along with an accelerometer, ensures that the imagers immediately switch from presentation mode to handheld mode as soon as they are picked up. In presentation mode, the scan field is automatically set so that nearby objects are not accidentally scanned. In handheld mode, the setting changes automatically, making it easy to capture objects up to 62 cm away.

Birch RFR811 NFC reader/writer 13.56 MHz, USB
RFR811 is a tiny NFC card reader & writer, which is designed for the applications for handy terminals or custom-built for system integrators. We offer technology documents and SDK to help customers to make their own things easier. Users can easily connect it with either UART or USB interface by through FPC connector.
TSS Company DUR-120 Desktop RFID UHF reader
DUR 120 is a UHF RFID desktop reader that allows the easiest way of integration of RFID technology into everyday use. The reader is powered and controlled directly by an USB interface or Ethernet, thus allowing reading EPC Class 1 Gen2 UHF RFID tagsDiscontinued