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CipherLab CP55 - nekorektní snímání v RDP režimu

Popis řešení chybné interpretace znaků ve snímaných kódech Code-128 v režimu laserového snímače v RDP vzdálené plochy u terminálů CipherLab CP55

The CP55 has an error when it misinterprets characters other than numbers in the barcode 128 in the laser scanner mode in the RDP remote area.

This error has already been fixed in OS version PHX.CE.1.380.0.035A01.0409.20160822-001

Just copy the file PHX.CE.1.380.0.035A01.0409.20160822-001.nb0 to the SD card, hold tl. Volume down on the left side of the terminal. More manual page 110

After approx. 10min the OS ver. 380 will boot and after calibrating the touch panel the utilities will be installed in approx. 15min

Then even in RDP mode the sensor reads the code 128 correctly


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