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How to read DPM embossed alphanumeric characters? Using OCR in the Zebra VS40 industrial camera

In July, at the request of Edwards representatives, we visited their plant in Lutín, where together with Zebra Technologies technicians we were looking for a suitable solution for reading serial numbers on their parts. It was not easy, as the unanodized aluminum and the roundness of the substrate made conditions difficult. Also, the lighting conditions in operation and the position of the part on the line would vary.

The variability of the Zebra cameras helped - a combination of filters and five possible light output options. Eventually we found a solution. Edwards will be running field trials in August and we're keeping our fingers crossed for implementation after the holidays.

Zebra Technologies offers a new generation of smart cameras that will dramatically improve your operations. From tracking shipments to detailed quality control of products and goods. This machine vision solution gives you instant situational awareness, preventing adverse events that could negatively impact your production or operations.

This cutting-edge machine vision technology brings unsurpassed accuracy to your manufacturing or warehouse processes. Plus, with upgradable features, the cameras are able to adapt to changing business needs, allowing you to overcome growing business challenges.

Whether you need simple or demanding quality checks on your production line, we have the ideal solution for you. For more information , please contact our sales department.

*illustrative photos by Zebra Technologies
